Thursday, December 13, 2007

All Sugarelled Up

Recently I helped out a fellow Switchboarder and was rewarded with some sugar scrub and scrubby bar samples. Di, from Sugarelle, sent me 3 samples of her duo sugar scrubs and 2 of her scrubby bars.

Now, I have not been a fan of scrubby bars. They usually don't have enough exfoliant for me..sorry I am a scrub diva and I must have large amounts of the ruff stuff :-). But, the Sugarelle scrubby bars are more than what I've come across. These definitely have extra exfoliants in them. The scrubbed me well, didn't fall apart and really felt like a true "scrubby bar." I was very impressed. The full size version costs $7.

The duo whipped sugar scrubs were really cool. I've had whipped sugar scrubs before but they, again, didn't have enough exfoliant in them. Di sent me three samples..Crimson Queen & Licorice Dreams, Parlor Tricks & Cinnamon Sticks and last but not least..Vanilla Pearls & Tango Swirls. All very very nice scents..not too strong but not too weak either..just right I say. They are whipped together in a perfect swirl so you can see the two colors of the scrubs when you open the jar. The consistency is like whipped cream but I have to say even lighter than that. But, if you rub it between your really can feel the nice gritty texture beneath the whip. A full 8 oz jar will run you about $17..but I think it's worth it.

I do have to say that just one little sample jar or sample scrubby bar was enough for a full body scrub. So the larger versions should last you fairly long time. Christmas is almost here...there's still time to check out the scrubs at Sugarelle.

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